Monday, February 20, 2012

À qui profite l'espace public? Café des z'architectes, MAQ

Venez tout le monde au Café des z'architects, une initiative de la Maison de l'architecture du Québec (MAQ), pour parler aux questions d'espace public à Montréal. 

The plan for the night is for a table ronde, at which Cynthia (one half of pouf!) will give a five-minute presentation about Parc Gallery. There will be four other presenters (Michel Langevin, Bruno Collin, Denis Robitaille, and a representative from Lapointe Magne et associés), each of whom will discuss the question of public space from their perspective. After the end of the table ronde, the discussion will be opened up to the general public. This is a chance for users of Parc Gallery to have their say about this important public space! Please come if you can.

To reserve a place (recommended), contact MAQ:
514 868 6691

Frais d'entrer: $3 (ou $5 avec une verre de vin)

Address: 181 rue Saint-Antoine Ouest, coin rue Saint François Xavier
métro: Place d'Armes

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